May 20, 2020 at 9:40 AM
Direct Mail Now - 3 Reasons Why
Covid-19, the deadly Coronavirus pandemic still claiming lives at an alarming pace, has not peaked in many states. Yet in response to the growing number of protests demanding an end to financially crippling business and social restrictions, some states have already started allowing non-essential businesses to reopen. Many states are taking a cautious approach, easing restrictions gradually based on the data, looking for concrete evidence of declining infection rates.
Businesses allowed to reopen face difficult decisions, one of which is how to ensure the safety of their employees and customers. Another, perhaps even bigger hurdle is how to effectively communicate this information, as well as revised hours of operation, mask requirements, curbside pickup and delivery options, touch-free payment options, and social distancing guidelines to customers during these uncertain times. This is where Direct Mail can play an important role.
Here are 3 reasons you should utilize Direct Mail now.
1. In response to the Stay-At-Home orders issued by State Governors across the country, and to help prevent transmission of Covid-19 in the workplace, businesses have allowed more employees to work from home than ever before. This dramatic increase in the number of consumers working from home also bodes well for Direct Mail. It is more likely the decision maker of the household is home, and this increases the odds of your mail-piece getting into the right hands and your message or offer generating the intended response.
2. Direct Mail volume has dropped by approximately 30% and some experts believe the volume of mail processed by the US Postal Service could drop even further. Fewer competing letters, postcards, and self-mailers in the mailbox means your mail-piece has a better chance of capturing the attention of your target audience, making now a great time to rise above the noise and make vital, new connections with consumers to increase brand awareness.
3. Direct Mail is unique in its ability to reach all your customers because the USPS delivers to every residential and business address in the United States, with few exceptions. Whether mailing to a house list, a purchased list, or a combination of both, Direct Mail will deliver to your target audience. Customers often opt out of receiving email messages, radio and television advertising can only reach whoever happens to be listening or watching, and digital marketing is competing for attention in an increasingly crowded space, a space many consumers navigate with trepidation due to the increasing threat of hackers and prevalence of malware. Direct Mail avoids all these pitfalls.
Perhaps you have considered Direct Mail but did not know where to begin. There is no shortage of business to B2B and B2C marketers to help you execute a Direct Mail campaign. Be advised, some only provide marketing consultation and outsource all the printing and mailing. Others are limited to only handling the printing, or only doing the mailing.
The John Roberts Company does it all, from offering expert marketing advice based on years of experience, to list acquisition, design, postal processing, printing, and mailing. With so many people working from home because of Covid-19, reduced competition in the mailbox due to a drop in mail volume, and the ability to reach all your customers to share important information about your business, now is a great time to embrace the champion of all marketing, Direct Mail.
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